Sightseeing and Georg Collection

Sightseeing and Georg Collection This morning treat yourself with a shopping excursion and city tour to the unique local shops in downtown San Martin de los Andes. We will learn about the town and its history while we contemplate it from a panoramic overlook. A quick stop for lunch at Pizza Cala for a taste… Continue reading Sightseeing and Georg Collection

Trekking in the Andes – Aconcagua park

Trekking in the Andes – Aconcagua park From Mendoza we shall cross the Andes, and set off West, driving towards the Chilean border. The scenery is an amazing mix of colorful mountains and dramatic rock formations and it was the chosen setting to shoot Seven Years in Tibet. The road snakes along the Mendoza River… Continue reading Trekking in the Andes – Aconcagua park

Wine & Art tour

Wine & Art tour Mendoza has a very prolific, trendy art community, waiting to be discovered by curious visitors and art partisans. Since wine is so connected to our culture, this reflects on its art, from artists who paint their creations with red wine, to wine related themes and symbolism on their works. We start… Continue reading Wine & Art tour

Lujan de Cuyo Wine Tour

Lujan de Cuyo Wine Tour Mendoza alone has around 1050 registered wineries ranging from garage/boutique operations to large scale industrial holdings. This provides a wide array of wines for us to enjoy, reflecting different styles and philosophies in winemaking. Not getting lost in this maze of wineries and being able to keep up with the… Continue reading Lujan de Cuyo Wine Tour

What about Lugagge

Its important to understand every airline has its own policy regarding luggage, and not long ago low budget airlines started flying in Argentina. This article below applies only for Aerolineas Argentinas local flights. The Baggage Franchise includes everything the passenger is authorized to transport at no charge according to the rate purchased. It includes what… Continue reading What about Lugagge